Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ising Model (C++/GLUT)

This is the C++/GLUT implementation of simple Ising model.

Please feel free to download and study, it is public domain code.

Below short animation done for prof. Andrzej Pękalski from our group for his 80th year anniversary.

If you feel like it, please drop me a comment on it:



Waves Equation

Waves (click to play) is the HTML5 Web3D version of my older Waves  program for Windows made when I was a student at Physics Departament of University of Wrocław. 

Feel free to drop me a comment on it ( )

If you want to write your own Wave Equation solver you may be interested in getting an example code  (C++, OpenGL) here. Happy coding!

Fluid in Sierpinski Carpet

Enjoy the low-velocity fluid flow visualization in fractals. The fluid is transported through the Sierpiński carpet geometry. It has been originally published in Polish monography about porous media (figure 9.3 at page 159 in the book). If there is any interest in that I will post more results here (I made some variations, i.e. flow at different levels of the fractal etc.)

Interested? Email me here:

Fig: The fluid flows from left to right and it is accelerated by external force (like gravity but it is horizontal here). I applied periodic boundaries at horizontal and vertical walls. The solver used is the Lattice Boltzmann Method (my own code used here).

Soda Constructor (Revisited)